...more meowycakes: where the pinecone pointed... or "thanks, Bradley!"

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

where the pinecone pointed... or "thanks, Bradley!"

The pinecone story.
I had been in the park for over 2 hours searching & walking around, looking for Bradley (Nowell's) memorial, late for an appointment...getting pretty frustrated because there are 1000's of markers and I'm so fried that they all started to look the same. As I'm walking row by row, I'm like apologizing to those who I have to step over and totally doing the respect thing. Finally, I stopped walking because I was so mad. I'm on Shakespeare Lane, but I just can't effing find the site. Then I saw one of the employees with one of the groundsmen & I flag him down to ask if he could help me find the marker. He was very nice but flatly stated he could not tell me which way to go unless I had permission from the Nowell family. I explained that I had come 3000 miles from Maryland to see this and that I was part of The Spot ( www.sublimespot.com ) & we were honest, respectful fans and weren't going to do anything weird & all I wanted was a picture & a meditation moment. He was silent for a second, then said he was sorry that he couldn't tell me but I might feel better if I looked over my left shoulder for a while. Then he smiled & wished me good luck, then walked away.
So I take a deep breath, turn around and start walking back down Shakespeare. It's really quiet now, but I'm mad late for my appointment.
I stopped and copped a squat in the grass next to a family of headstones (Martinez, I think) and asked Brad to help me find his marker. Just asked into the open air, prayed that he could give a sign that I was close or something...


A large pinecone fell straight down on the ground in front of me. I looked at it and saw it was pointing down to the curve at the far end of Shakespeare...then I spotted a colorful lump.
I hopped up and grabbed the pinecone and followed the colored thingy to about 200 yards... it was a plush flower with a smiley face that was laid beside Brad's marker :D

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